Taurus Molecular Cloud with 85mm

Taurus Molecular Cloud, California Nebula NGC1499 and Plejades M45, 120x30s, ISO3200, Nikon Z6, Nikkor S 85mm f/1.8 at f/1.8 processed in Fitswork, Photoshop, Lightroom

I tried to use a break in the clouds to photograph a long-time favourit of mine, the Taurus Molecular Cloud TMC. The conditions were far from optimal with some slight fog and clouds passing through, but after throwing away quite a few frames, I ended up with this version.

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Heart Nebula

Heart Nebula, IC 1805, Sharpless 2-190,122x90s (3h 4m), ISO1600, Nikon D7000a, Astro-Professional 80mm f/7 with 0,8x reducer, Optolong L-Pro Filter

IC 1805 is a cloud of glowing hydrogen in the constellation Perseus. The gas is ionized by the hot young stars of the cluster Melotte 15 at the nebula’s center.

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