Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner

Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner is a short period comet of the Jupiter family.

This year’s apparition is quite favourable, as it places the comet in the evning sky. Best visibility should be around September 11th, where it should almost become naked eye visible. In binoculars or a telescope it is already a nice view. I observed it with the 127mm refractor, where it visually showed a short tail. Read More

Lenses and constellations

Modern lenses provide pinpoint stars in nighsky photos, But this reduces all stars to small points, constellations are almost unrecognizable.

This is an image which is a part of a timelapse sequence taken with a Sony #RX100 IV camera. Mars, Saturn and the Milky Way are clearly visible.

Sony RX100, f/1.8, 15s, ISO 3200

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Lunar Eclipse from Corsica

The longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century took place during our vacation in Corsica, here are some shots taken from the beach:

Since this was a camping vacation I only had minimal gear with me, a Sony RX100 IV compact camera, and my wife’s Olympus E-PL5 with the kit zoom lenses. The 40-150mm is equivalent to 300mm on full-frame cameras, so the close-ups are cropped heavily.

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