Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner is a short period comet of the Jupiter family.
This year’s apparition is quite favourable, as it places the comet in the evning sky. Best visibility should be around September 11th, where it should almost become naked eye visible. In binoculars or a telescope it is already a nice view. I observed it with the 127mm refractor, where it visually showed a short tail.
While going after ther perseids I also captured the comet using a 20mm lens:

Milky Way from Perseus to Cygnus, 24x30s, ISO3200, AF-S 20mm Nikkor at f/1.8, Nikon D750, Vixen Polarie

Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner, crop of Milky Way from Perseus to Cygnus, 24x30s, ISO3200, AF-S 20mm Nikkor at f/1.8, Nikon D750, Vixen Polarie
On this day I tried to capture the comet with smaller equipment, just a 300mm lens on a simple tracking mount.

Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner, 47x15s, ISO3200, AF-S NIKKOR 300 mm 1:4E PF ED VR, Nikon D750, Vixen Polarie
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