Daylight Comet: C/2006 P1 McNaught

Comet C/2006 P1 McNaught

On Saturday, January 13th I noticed that the sky was very transparent and thought it might be worth taking an image of the comet in broad daylight.I was excited when I was able to to see the comet with small binoculars and then also with the naked eye at noon. (My wife saw it first without optical aid.)A bunch of neighbours and some other persons walking by did also see it with the 80mm refractor, some small binoculars and with the naked eye.

An Image of my wife standing on the roof-top terrace with Comet McNaught in the Background. Once you had located the comet it was quite obvious to the naked eye. the imag was taken at noon-time just before lunch!
Lens: Nikkor Series E 70-210mm f/4
Camera Nikon D200
Exposure: 1/500s at f/5.6, ISO 100
Date: 13th, January 2007
Processing: adjustment of contrast in Photoshop

Lens: GSO 80/480 achromatic refractor.
Camera Nikon D200
Exposure: 1/1000s at f/6, ISO 200
Date: 13th, January 2007
Processing: adjustment of contrast in Photoshop

Lens: Nikkor Series E 70-210mm f/4
Camera Nikon D200
Exposure: 1/2000s at f/4, ISO 200
Date: 13th, January 2007
Processing: adjustment of contrast in Photoshop

Lens: GSO 80/480 achromatic refractor.
Camera Nikon D200
Exposure: 1/80s at f/6, ISO 160
Date: 13th, January 2007
Processing: adjustment of contrast in Photoshop

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